Event Reference#

This section outlines the different types of events listened by Client.

There are two ways to register an event, the first way is through the use of Client.event(). The second way is through subclassing Client and overriding the specific events. For example:

import defectio

class MyClient(defectio.Client):
    async def on_message(self, message):
        if message.author == self.user:

        if message.content.startswith('$hello'):
            await message.channel.send('Hello World!')

If an event handler raises an exception, on_error() will be called to handle it, which defaults to print a traceback and ignoring the exception.


All the events must be a coroutine. If they aren’t, then you might get unexpected errors. In order to turn a function into a coroutine they must be async def functions.


Called when the client is done preparing the data received from Revolt. Usually after login is successful.


This function is not guaranteed to be the first event called. Likewise, this function is not guaranteed to only be called once. This library implements reconnection logic and thus will end up calling this event whenever a RESUME request fails.

on_error(event, *args, **kwargs)#

Usually when an event raises an uncaught exception, a traceback is printed to stderr and the exception is ignored. If you want to change this behaviour and handle the exception for whatever reason yourself, this event can be overridden. Which, when done, will suppress the default action of printing the traceback.

The information of the exception raised and the exception itself can be retrieved with a standard call to sys.exc_info().

If you want exception to propagate out of the Client class you can define an on_error handler consisting of a single empty raise statement. Exceptions raised by on_error will not be handled in any way by Client.

  • event (str) – The name of the event that raised the exception.

  • args – The positional arguments for the event that raised the exception.

  • kwargs – The keyword arguments for the event that raised the exception.


Called whenever a message is received from the WebSocket, before it’s processed. This event is always dispatched when a message is received and the passed data is not processed in any way.

This is only really useful for grabbing the WebSocket stream and debugging purposes.


This is only for the messages received from the client WebSocket. The voice WebSocket will not trigger this event.


msg (Union[bytes, str]) – The message passed in from the WebSocket library. Could be bytes for a binary message or str for a regular message.


Called whenever a send operation is done on the WebSocket before the message is sent. The passed parameter is the message that is being sent to the WebSocket.

This is only really useful for grabbing the WebSocket stream and debugging purposes.


This is only for the messages sent from the client WebSocket. The voice WebSocket will not trigger this event.


payload – The message that is about to be passed on to the WebSocket library. It can be bytes to denote a binary message or str to denote a regular text message.

on_typing(channel, user, when)#

Called when someone begins typing a message.

The channel parameter can be a abc.Messageable instance. Which could either be TextChannel, GroupChannel, or DMChannel.

If the channel is a TextChannel then the user parameter is a Member, otherwise it is a User.

  • channel (abc.Messageable) – The location where the typing originated from.

  • user (Union[User, Member]) – The user that started typing.

  • when (datetime.datetime) – When the typing started as a naive datetime in UTC.


Called when a Message is created and sent.


Your bot’s own messages and private messages are sent through this event. This can lead cases of ‘recursion’ depending on how your bot was programmed. If you want the bot to not reply to itself, consider checking the user IDs.


message (Message) – The current message.


Called when a message is deleted. If the message is not found in the internal message cache, then this event will not be called. Messages might not be in cache if the message is too old or the client is participating in high traffic servers.

If this occurs increase the max_messages parameter or use the on_raw_message_delete() event instead.


message (Message) – The deleted message.


Called when a message is deleted. Unlike on_message_delete(), this is called regardless of the message being in the internal message cache or not.

If the message is found in the message cache, it can be accessed via RawMessageDeleteEvent.cached_message


payload (RawMessageDeleteEvent) – The raw event payload data.

on_message_edit(before, after)#

Called when a Message receives an update event. If the message is not found in the internal message cache, then these events will not be called. Messages might not be in cache if the message is too old or the client is participating in high traffic servers.

If this occurs increase the max_messages parameter or use the on_raw_message_edit() event instead.

The following non-exhaustive cases trigger this event:

  • The message content has been changed.

  • before (Message) – The previous version of the message.

  • after (Message) – The current version of the message.


Called when a message is edited. Unlike on_message_edit(), this is called regardless of the state of the internal message cache.

If the message is found in the message cache, it can be accessed via RawMessageUpdateEvent.cached_message. The cached message represents the message before it has been edited. For example, if the content of a message is modified and triggers the on_raw_message_edit() coroutine, the RawMessageUpdateEvent.cached_message will return a Message object that represents the message before the content was modified.


payload (RawMessageUpdateEvent) – The raw event payload data.


Called whenever a private channel is deleted or created.


channel (abc.PrivateChannel) – The private channel that got created or deleted.

on_private_channel_update(before, after)#

Called whenever a private group DM is updated. e.g. changed name or topic.

  • before (GroupChannel) – The updated group channel’s old info.

  • after (GroupChannel) – The updated group channel’s new info.


Called whenever a server channel is deleted or created.

Note that you can get the server from server.


channel (abc.ServerChannel) – The guild channel that got created or deleted.

on_server_channel_update(before, after)#

Called whenever a server channel is updated. e.g. changed name, topic, permissions.

  • before (abc.ServerChannel) – The updated server channel’s old info.

  • after (abc.ServerChannel) – The updated guild channel’s new info.


Called when a Member leaves or joins a Server.


member (Member) – The member who joined or left.

on_member_update(before, after)#

Called when a Member updates their profile.

This is called when one or more of the following things change:

  • status

  • nickname

  • roles

  • before (Member) – The updated member’s old info.

  • after (Member) – The updated member’s updated info.

on_user_update(before, after)#

Called when a User updates their profile.

This is called when one or more of the following things change:

  • avatar

  • username

  • before (User) – The updated user’s old info.

  • after (User) – The updated user’s updated info.


Called when a Server is either created by the Client or when the Client joins a server.


server (Server) – The server that was joined.


Called when a Server is removed from the Server.

This happens through, but not limited to, these circumstances:

  • The client got banned.

  • The client got kicked.

  • The client left the server.

  • The client or the server owner deleted the server.

In order for this event to be invoked then the Server must have been part of the server to begin with. (i.e. it is part of Client.servers)


server (Server) – The server that got removed.

on_server_update(before, after)#

Called when a Server updates, for example:

  • Changed name

  • etc

  • before (Server) – The server prior to being updated.

  • after (Server) – The server after being updated.


Called when a Server creates or deletes a new Role.

To get the server it belongs to, use Role.server.


role (Role) – The role that was created or deleted.

on_server_role_update(before, after)#

Called when a Role is changed server-wide.

  • before (Role) – The updated role’s old info.

  • after (Role) – The updated role’s updated info.

on_member_ban(server, user)#

Called when user gets banned from a Server.

  • server (Server) – The server the user got banned from.

  • user (Union[User, Member]) – The user that got banned. Can be either User or Member depending if the user was in the server or not at the time of removal.

on_member_unban(server, user)#

Called when a User gets unbanned from a Server.

  • server (Server) – The server the user got unbanned from.

  • user (User) – The user that got unbanned.

on_group_join(channel, user)#
on_group_remove(channel, user)#

Called when someone joins or leaves a GroupChannel.

  • channel (GroupChannel) – The group that the user joined or left.

  • user (User) – The user that joined or left.


Called when a Relationship is added or removed from the ClientUser.


relationship (Relationship) – The relationship that was added or removed.

on_relationship_update(before, after)#

Called when a Relationship is updated, e.g. when you block a friend or a friendship is accepted.

  • before (Relationship) – The previous relationship status.

  • after (Relationship) – The updated relationship status.